thoughts of the day

Today’s Daily Prompt is to write for 10 minutes about anything:

How many thoughts can the human brain carry out in a day? Well there are a number of subconscious processes that occur in the brain at ALL times. I do have occurring thoughts, and it can be frustrating, so I turn to writing, it helps to organize my thoughts and feelings, once it transfers onto paper it frees up space in my mind, so I can move on to the next thought. Yesterday’s writing challenge was to chose a verb that we feel most connected to, my verb was ‘to reflect’, although I didn’t get the chance to complete the writing challenge, I do reflect often. Reflecting is a process the human mind does to make sense of, to interpret the world they experience, to learn from mistakes, to evaluate our strengths, and ultimately to better ourselves.

2 thoughts on “thoughts of the day

  1. Pingback: Incandescent Joy – The 3rd of October 2007 – Evanston, Illinois | Forgotten Correspondence

  2. Pingback: Ready, Set, Done | Blogged With Words

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